
Strategic Brand Building

Go beyond aesthetics with a brand identity system that is distinct and memorable, inspires real-world action, and generates meaningful engagement.

Service brand audiences

Build Affinity for Your Brand

Devise a strategy to elevate your brand above the fray of today’s fractured media landscape and demonstrate your niche and expertise within your cause ecosystem.

Service brand recognition

Reach the Right Audiences

Create a roadmap for combining the power of modern platforms and the methods of digital media companies to attract a global community of funders, donors, and advocates.

Service brand value

Communicate Your Distinct Point of View

Develop distinct brand messaging that cuts through the noise, shines the spotlight on your solutions, and creates a vision supporters and funders are inspired to rally behind.

Brand Strategy

We create brand strategies designed to compete and win in the attention economy, achieve your goals, overcome your specific challenges, and connect with your unique audiences.

Brand Identity & Design Systems

We work with you to create an original logo and visual identity system that reflects who you are today and aspire to be tomorrow. Our branding includes a cohesive and extendable design system: typography, colors, photo & video treatments, icon & illustration styles, and more.

Digital Strategy

We determine which digital platform(s), channels, and technologies will best serve your organization in achieving your programmatic and sustainable revenue goals.

Content & Messaging Strategy

We devise strategies for your development, communications, and marketing teams to create content designed to capture people’s attention and convert interest into action.

Brand Messaging

We help you develop a consistent and distinct brand story and core messaging that reflects your culture, elevates your cause, communicates your goals and expresses how you plan to create the world you want to live in to your target audiences.

Visual & Messaging Landscape Analysis

We audit your niche and focus area and develop creative strategies for differentiating yourself from other organizations vying for the attention of your advocates, partners, and funders.

Brand Research

We leverage qualitative and quantitative research we conduct to develop actionable insights that inform brand and digital strategies, design choices, and digital experiences.

Interviews & Focus Groups

Through one-on-one interviews with key team members, stakeholders, customers, and beneficiaries of your work, we uncover perception gaps, develop new insights, and ensure our work is equitable and empathetic to your audiences.

Survey Design & Facilitation

When a broad coalition of stakeholders needs to weigh in on brand and digital strategy decisions, we work with you to design, conduct, and analyze surveys that inform decisions and ensure that all important voices are heard.

Book a Discovery Call

Are you ready to lead a modern social impact organization? Let’s explore our fit for working together.


Our biggest challenge was helping people more quickly and easily understand why we use dance to engage girls in STEM. Cosmic helped us update our messaging and build a brand that is bold and compelling — and represents the vibrancy, creativity, and ambition of our mission.

— Yamilee ToussaintFounder & CEO, STEM From Dance

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